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Help:Plainlist format – parameter classThis help page explains how to add a custom CSS class to the output display of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter import-annotationThis help page explains how to import an annotation from the template used to display the output of the query to the page holding the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter introtemplateThis help page explains how to specify a template that should be rendered once before the template used to display the output of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter named argsThis help page explains the usage of named arguments when using a template to display the output of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter outrotemplateThis help page explains how to specify a template that should be rendered once after the template used to display the output of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter propsepThis help page explains how to specify a separator between the properties from different printout statements to display the output of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter sepThis help page explains how to specify a separator between the results displayed with the output of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter templateThis help page explains how to specify a template that should be used to display the output of the query.
Help:Plainlist format – parameter valuesepThis help page explains how to specify a separator between the values for properties from different printout statements to display the output of the query.
Help:Templatefile format – parameter named argsThis help page explains the usage of named arguments when using a template for the templatefile format to display the output of the query.
Help:Templatefile format – parameter templateThis help page explains the usage of a template for the templatefile format to display the output of the query.