
From Linux Web Expert


syncFileBackend.php file is a maintenance script that syncs one file backend to another based on the journal of later.


Option Description Required Default value
--src Name of backend to sync from <translate> Required</translate>
--dst Name of destination backend to sync <translate> Required</translate>
--start Starting journal ID <translate> Optional</translate> 0
--end Ending journal ID <translate> Optional</translate> INF (infinite)
--posdir Directory to read/record journal positions <translate> Optional</translate>
--posdump Just dump current journal position into the position dir. <translate> Optional</translate>
--postime For position dumps, get the ID at this time <translate> Optional</translate>
--backoff Stop at entries younger than this age (sec) <translate> Optional</translate> 0
--verbose Verbose mode <translate> Optional</translate>


php maintenance/syncFileBackend.php --src sourceBackend --dst destinationBackend [ --start|  --end| --posdir| --posdump| --postime| --backoff| --verbose ]

See also