
From Linux Web Expert

<translate> Note</translate>

  <translate> The manual is a work in progress.</translate> <translate> Please add to it with complete, tested instructions wherever you can.</translate>  

<translate> Images in the manual may differ from what you see in your version of Huggle.</translate>
  • Step 1: Go to the download page and download the latest stable version for your operating system.
  • Step 2: Follow the instructions on download page in order to install Huggle



Huggle is distributed in 3 flavors for Windows:

  • MSVC-32: Windows Vista 以降、32 ビット CPU
  • MSVC-64: Windows Vista 以降、64 ビット CPU
  • MinGW-32: All Windows versions for 32-bit CPU, may run slower than the MSVC versions
If you are switching between MinGW and MSVC versions, you may need to purge your current Huggle (uninstall and delete all leftovers from Program Files) prior to re-installation of Huggle.


Download the .dmg file from download page, open it and copy huggle to your Applications folder. Huggle should appear in the Launchpad immediately.


First, verify that Canonical's Snap is installed by typing snap in a terminal window. Then, follow the instructions below.

Debian distributions without snap

If your Linux distro does not come with snap or if you prefer to build it manually, then you can compile it manually.

First, install the required packages with APT.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git build-essential gcc cmake qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qtwebengine5-dev

Next, clone the repository with Git:

git clone && cd huggle3-qt-lx && git submodule init && git submodule update && git checkout tags/3.4.10

Finally, to build and install Huggle, run this script:

 ./configure --extension --web-engine
cd release
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

If you did this correctly, you should have a working install of Huggle! To start Huggle, type:


Arch distributions without snap

Huggle is available in the Arch User Repository. You can install it with yay/yaourt/pacaur/any other AUR helper, e.g.

yay -S huggle

There is also the huggle-git package for the development version.

Ubuntu and Linux distributions with snap

On all linux distributions with snap preinstalled (such as Ubuntu 16.04 and newer), Huggle can be installed as easily as this:

sudo snap install huggle

It can also installed from Ubuntu software which is preinstalled in Ubuntu 16.04 and newer.