From Linux Web Expert
<translate> ImageMagick</translate>: $wgUseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails | |
Swaps JPGs that use sRGB ICC profile with TinyRGB profile |
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate> | 1.26.0 (Gerrit change 218372; git #584a2393) |
<translate> Removed in version:</translate> | <translate> still in use</translate> |
<translate> Allowed values:</translate> | (boolean) |
<translate> Default value:</translate> | false |
<translate> Other settings:</translate> <translate> Alphabetical</translate> | <translate> By function</translate> |
When this variable is true and JPGs use the sRGB ICC profile, swaps it for the more lightweight (and free) TinyRGB profile when generating thumbnails.