From Linux Web Expert
<translate> Thumbnail settings</translate>: $wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance | |
Minimal distance between intermediary thumbnail size and target thumbnail size. |
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate> | 1.24.0 (Gerrit change 135008; git #7036e7b6) |
<translate> Removed in version:</translate> | <translate> still in use</translate> |
<translate> Allowed values:</translate> | (non-negative integers) |
<translate> Default value:</translate> | 0 |
<translate> Other settings:</translate> <translate> Alphabetical</translate> | <translate> By function</translate> |
This variable influences how intermediate thumbnails are used when $wgThumbnailBuckets
is enabled: an intermediate will only be selected as the source for creating the target thumbnail if it is at least $wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance
pixels wider.
For example, with the following buckets:
$wgThumbnailBuckets = array ( 128, 256, 512 );
and a distance of 50:
$wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance = 50;
if we want to render a thumbnail of width 220px, the 512px bucket will be used, because 220 + 50 = 270 and the closest bucket bigger than 270px is 512.