
From Linux Web Expert

<translate> Miscellaneous settings</translate>: $wgPopularPasswordFile
Where popular password file is located.
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate>1.27.0 (Gerrit change 254754; git #2d15dcfc)
<translate> Deprecated in version:</translate>1.33.0 (Gerrit change 481501; git #0d3807c5)
<translate> Removed in version:</translate>1.35.0 (Gerrit change 604728; git #a26c1c8e)
<translate> Allowed values:</translate>(streng)
<translate> Default value:</translate>__DIR__ . '/password/commonpasswords.cdb' (1.32-1.34)
__DIR__ . '/../serialized/commonpasswords.cdb' (1.27-1.31)


Default in core contains 10,000 most popular. This config allows you to change which file, in case you want to generate a password file with > 10,000 entries in it.

Se maintenance/createCommonPasswordCdb.php

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