
From Linux Web Expert

<translate> For {{<tvar name=1>#if:the notification system|the notification system</tvar>|other uses}}, see: <tvar name=2>Extension:Echo</tvar>.</translate>
<translate> Miscellaneous settings</translate>: $wgPingback
true に設定すると、MediaWikiは開発者支援のためインストールに関するデータを随時報告する
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate>1.28.0 (Gerrit change 296699; git #f181cde)
<translate> Removed in version:</translate><translate> still in use</translate>
<translate> Allowed values:</translate>(真偽値)
<translate> Default value:</translate>false


項目名 概略説明 詳細説明
wiki 暗号化ランダムハッシュ 49748f9060251596beb44eaac206135c MediaWikiのインストールごとに一つ生成され、「PingBack」キーで updatelog テーブルに保存される一意なハッシュ値。
database 設定されたデータベースの種類 "mysql", "sqlite" 各種データベースがどれだけ使われているのかを把握するために収集します。
MediaWiki MediaWiki のバージョン "1.28.0" MediaWikiの各バージョンがどれだけ使われ、いつ新しいバージョンにアップデートしているのかを把握するために収集します。
PHP PHP のバージョン "5.6.0", "7.0.9" 各PHPバージョンの利用状況を知り、もし最低限の要求仕様を引き上げる際にどれだけ影響がありそうなのかを知るために収集します。
OS オペレーティングシステムの種類とバージョン "Linux $version", "Windows $version" To see how MediaWiki is used on different operating systems, and the versions of those operating systems
arch アーキテクチャが32ビットか64ビットか "32", "64" To see how extensively MediaWiki is used on 32-bit systems, and what the impact would be of only supporting 64-bit systems.
machine 機器のハードウェア "x86_64" To see what architectures MediaWiki is used with
serverSoftware ウェブサーバソフトウェア "Apache/2.4.10 (Debian)" To see which webservers MediaWiki is used with, and whether compatibility hacks for specific versions of webservers should be kept.
memoryLimit phpが使用できるメモリサイズの上限 220M To see the amount of memory MediaWiki normally has available and what the impact would be of potentially raising MediaWiki's memory requirements.


The time and data sent is logged to the debug log when it is enabled. The data points are implemented in the includes/Pingback.php file.

Enabling the Pingback; Data collection and use

The web installer asks the user if they want to enable the feature during the installation of MediaWiki.

The user may choose at this time to opt out of the pingback. If the user opts in, the pingback feature will send new data on the first page load after upgrading to a new version of MediaWiki.

Starting with MediaWiki 1.31.0 a monthly heartbeat ping will be sent by active wikis (see <translate> task <tvar name=1>T189785</tvar></translate>).

Users may choose to enable or disable the pingback at any time by setting the $wgPingback configuration variable in LocalSettings.php. However, this will not delete any data that has already been transmitted to our servers.

The pingback anonymously tracks which version of MediaWiki is being used, along with the configured database type and PHP version, as well as your operating system, system type (32-bit or 64-bit), machine hardware, server software, and memory limit. The feature also sends a unique ID with the data transmission, which is used to track upgrades made to wikis over time.

You may view your wiki’s ID after a pingback is sent by running the following SQL command:

SELECT * FROM updatelog WHERE ul_key = 'PingBack';

For more information, please see the complete MediaWiki Pingback privacy statement.


Aggregate pingback data is available at The code behind those queries displayed on that page be found in the analytics/reportupdate-queries repo. The config can be found on meta.

Currently the raw pingback data is stored in Wikimedia's EventLogging database. Users with a signed NDA with the WMF (see wikitech:Volunteer NDA for the process) can access the data via analytics machines.
