<translate> Content handlers and storage</translate>: $wgExternalDiffEngine | |
Name of the external diff engine to use. |
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate> | 1.6.0 (r12987) |
<translate> Removed in version:</translate> | <translate> still in use</translate> |
<translate> Allowed values:</translate> | (ciąg znaków) lub false |
<translate> Default value:</translate> | false |
<translate> Other settings:</translate> <translate> Alphabetical</translate> | <translate> By function</translate> |
Name of the external diff engine to use, or false to use the internal engine.
The possible values are:
- wikidiff2 if available, PHP implementation else.
- any other string is treated as a path to external diff executable, which is passed two file-path arguments.
The following values are no longer supported as of MW 1.32:
<td class="mw-version-versionbox" title="<translate nowrap> MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.32</tvar> is unsupported version</translate>"><translate> MediaWiki version:</translate> |
- Wikimedia's fast difference engine implemented as a PHP/HHVM module.
The following values are no longer supported as of MW 1.27:
<td class="mw-version-versionbox" title="<translate nowrap> MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.27</tvar> is unsupported version</translate>"><translate> MediaWiki version:</translate> |
- treated as false for backwards compatibility.
The external engine should return HTML for a table row containing four columns (two 'marker/content' pairs).
These can be collapsed into one for diff formats that don't require columns, e.g. <tr><td colspan="4"> … </td></tr>
This setting replaces $wgUseExternalDiffEngine .
To display diffs in the format of the common GNU diff
program, it is necessary to wrap that executable in a small script such as the following.
This is needed both to get the required HTML wrapper, and also because diff
returns non-zero when inputs don't match (which they generally don't for wiki changes).
#!/bin/bash echo "<tr><td colspan=4><pre>" # @todo This should also escape HTML. diff "$1" "$2" DIFFRET=$? echo "</pre></td></tr>" if [[ $DIFFRET -eq 1 ]]; then exit 0 else exit $DIFFRET fi
- LocalSettings.php
$wgDiffEngine = 'external'; $wgExternalDiffEngine = '/path/to/';