Help:Watching pages/nb
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Overvåking av sider er en funksjon som lar alle innloggede brukere ha en liste over "overvåkede" sider, og lett sjekke nylige endringer på disse sidene.
MediaWiki lar ikke folk "eie" sider. Overvåkningslisten og muligheten til å tilbakestille endringer, holder interesserte brukere involvert i spesielle sider uten ulempene ved å gi noen absolutt kontroll over en side.
Kontrollere hvilke sider som er overvåket
Bare sider som ikke er dynamisk generert (spesialsider er dynamisk generert), kan bli overvåket.
Siden blir alltid overvåket sammen med sin diskusjonsside. Alle tilføyelser og fjerninger fra listen over overvåkede sider gjelder for både ikke-diskusjonssiden og diskusjonssiden på en gang. Det går ikke an å overvåke én av dem uten å overvåke den andre.
- Mens man ser på en side
- Den hvite stjernen (eller lenken "Watch" i monobook-skinnet), plassert i toppmargen på hver side, legger den gjeldende siden inn på din overvåkningsliste, og gjør stjernen blå (eller en "Unwatch"-lenke i monobook-skinnet).
- Beskjedene <translate> message with id</translate> 'addedwatchtext' (talk) "$1" and its discussion page have been added to your watchlist. eller <translate> message with id</translate> 'removedwatchtext' (talk) "$1" and its discussion page have been removed from your watchlist. vises over siden, og «Watch» endres til Unwatch eller omvendt. Avhengig av nettleseren kan dette gjøres uten å laste hele siden på nytt, ved bruk av AJAX med ajaxwatch.js.
- Mens man lagrer en side
- Når man lagrer en redigert side, avhenger den nye overvåkningsstatusen (overvåk eller ikke overvåk) av "Watch this page"-avkryssingsboksen.
- Hvis man aktiverer brukerinnstillingen "Add pages and files I edit to my watchlist", vil avkryssingsboksen på redigeringssiden automatisk bli avkrysset, så med mindre man fjerner avkryssingen, vil siden bli overvåket ved lagring. Tilleggsmuligheter er
- Add pages I create and files I upload to my watchlist - (hvis den forrige er avkrysset, trenger ikke denne å være avkrysset, fordi opprettelse også teller som en redigering)
- Add pages and files I move to my watchlist
- Add pages and files I delete to my watchlist
- Redigere hele listen
- A specific link to 'Edit your list of watched pages' is provided on top of page Special:Watchlist
- Deretter er flere ekstra lenker tilgjengelig på toppen av Special:EditWatchlist-siden:
- View and edit watchlist lager en full liste over lenkede overvåkede sider (heriblant diskusjonssidene) Kryss av i en eller flere av avkryssingsboksene og klikk deretter "Remove titles"-knappen for å fjerne de merkede sidene fra overvåkningslisten.
- Edit raw watchlist gir en tekstboks med en liste over overvåkede sider (uten å liste opp diskusjonssidene), med en tittel på hver linje, sortert etter navneromsnummer og deretter i alfabetisk rekkefølge. Her kan man redigere direkte i listen, kopiere den til en ekstern editor, eller erstatte den med en liste opprettet annetsteds. Duplikater blir automatisk fjernet ved lagring.
- Clear the watchlist to empty the list of watched pages
- View relevant changes to show the status of the watched pages
Watchlist Expiry
A new watchlist feature is included in MediaWiki 1.35 : Watchlist Expiry. With this feature, you can optionally select to watch a page for a temporary period of time. Once the watch period has expired, the page will be automatically removed from your watchlist. You can update the watch period at any time, including switching from temporary to permanent status. Temporarily watched pages are usually represented by a half star (as opposed to a full star, which represents permanently watched pages). To find out when Watchlist Expiry will be enabled on your wiki, you can check out the release schedule on Meta-wiki. For documentation on how to use the feature, please visit Help:Watchlist expiry .
Når brukeren er logget inn, har hver side en lenke til brukerens overvåkningsliste, tilgjengelig ved lenken Special:Watchlist. Denne siden viser en liste over alle nylig endrede overvåkede sider, inndelt i dager, og ordnet baklengs i henhold til redigeringstidspunktet.
Hver linje viser detaljer ved hver redigering: hvorvidt den er mindre (m) eller større (ikke mindre), hvorvidt den er utført av en robot (b), tiden, en lenke til siden og til forskjellen mellom nåværende versjon og forrige versjon, en lenke til historikken, økningen eller reduksjonen av antall bytes, og lenker til brukerens brukerside, biskusjonsside, bidragsside, og redigeringssammendraget. Avhengig av nettstedskonfigurasjonen kan sidenavnet være skrevet med fet skrift hvis siden er endret etter siste gang brukeren så på siden (mens brukeren var logget inn).
Teknisk sett er overvåkningslisten bare en annen måte å filtrere siste endringer på. Oppføringene kommer fra recentchanges -tabellen, og er derfor begrenset til redigeringer ikke eldre enn $wgRCMaxAge (30 dager i de fleste WMF-prosjekter).
Man kan vise eller skjule følgende typer endringer ved å bruke de tilsvarende lenkene: mindre endringer, robotendringer og sine egne endringer. Disse kan også angis i brukerinnstillingene som utgangsinnstillinger når brukeren kommer til Special:Watchlist-siden.
Et annet alternativ i brukerinnstillingene, "Maksimalt antall dager som skal vises i overvåkningslisten", angir bare utgangsverdien for perioden som endringer skal vises for. Denne perioden kan lett endres med de korresponderende lenkene.
Det er også en dropdownmeny som lar brukeren se endringer bare i ett spesielt navnerom.
Til forskjell fra siste endringer kan overvåkningslisten ikke skjule innloggede eller utloggede brukere, og den kan ikke vise ett spesielt antall redigeringer.
Enkel overvåkningsliste
I utgangspunktet viser overvåkningslisten bare den siste redigeringen på hver overvåkede side.
Det er to mulige problemer hvis en side hadde en endring som er merket som ikke mindre, men den siste endringen ble merket som mindre:
- endringer som ikke er mindre vil ikke vises. Ettersom man vanligvis er interessert i alle endringer siden man sjekket forrige gang, må man sjekke historikken for siden.
- hvis overvåkningslisten er satt til å ikke vise mindre endringer, vil siden ikke vises i overvåkningslisten i det hele tatt.
Mange erfarne brukere foretrekker å bruke utvidet overvåkningsliste.
Utvidet overvåkningsliste
Med innstillingen "Expand watchlist to show all changes, not just the most recent" vil overvåkningslisten vise alle nylige redigeringer, listet i kronologisk rekkefølge.
I dette tilfelle vil innstillingen "Group changes by page in recent changes and watchlist", som skifter mellom forbedret siste endringer, også påvirke overvåkningslisten på samme måte: siste endringer av overvåkede sider blir gruppert etter dag, og etter side innen hver dag.
En annen innstilling er "Maximum number of changes to show in watchlist:". Et nettsted kan begrense maksimalverdien for dette valget, for eksempel synes maksimum å være 1000 på WMF-prosjekter. For å vise sider med eldre redigeringer, vis endringene bare i ett navnerom om gangen, eller bruk den ikke-forbedrede overvåkningslisten, og/eller reduser antallet overvåkede sider.
Other effects of watching a page
The watchlist is only one of the features with regard to watching pages; even without ever using it, specifying pages to watch is useful.
In Recent Changes, Enhanced Recent Changes, and Related Changes, watched pages are bolded.
If one views the history of a watched page directly, without first viewing the page, the edit at the top (the most recent one) may be marked using update marker <translate> message with id</translate> 'updatedmarker' (talk) updated since your last visit; this applies if the edit was made by someone else and you have not viewed the page (while logged in) since it was made. This is actually enabled together with email notification.
Email notification
- See also Notifications for the 2013 extension.
From MediaWiki 1.5, you can get an email after a watched page has been edited by somebody else. This will not be repeated until you view the page. Viewing a diff or the page history is not enough. Note that you have to be logged in when viewing the page, otherwise you will not be notified of further changes. Optionally this notification system can ignore minor changes (this is the default).
Whether the feature is enabled on a wiki can be seen in the preferences: if it is, the <translate> message with id</translate> 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' (talk) Email me when a page or a file on my watchlist is changed will be one of the options of the main section. The notifications for user talk edits are enabled by another preference option.
Having a separate email for every edited page that one likes to watch in the sense of the other watch features, may be too much. New features are being proposed and developed to deal with this: the option to have emails sent, after a delay, with a list of edited pages, and/or the possibility to specify a subset of watched pages for email notification. See also Echo (Notifications) .
For the latter, as a workaround, one may be tempted to log in under a different username just to specify a different (typically smaller) watchlist for email notification. However, after viewing a page under one username, one would have to clear the notification flag for that page for the other username too.
Technical details
To enable it on a wiki, $wgEnotifWatchlist is set to true, and it still depends on preference settings. The email-message below is: <translate> message with id</translate> 'enotif body' (talk) Dear $WATCHINGUSERNAME,
Contact the editor: mail: $PAGEEDITOR_EMAIL wiki: $PAGEEDITOR_WIKI
There will be no other notifications in case of further activity unless you visit this page while logged in. You could also reset the notification flags for all your watched pages on your watchlist.
Your friendly Linux Web Expert notification system
-- To change your email notification settings, visit
To change your watchlist settings, visit
To delete the page from your watchlist, visit $UNWATCHURL
Feedback and further assistance: $HELPPAGE See Email notification. Since May 2011 the feature is enabled on all Wikimedia projects for the user talk notifications, and since April 2012 for watchlist edits too. From early May 2012, the preference for edited pages to be added to watchlist is the default.
User preferences
The following options are (or can be) available in Preferences >> User Profile tab
- Allow other users to email me
- Send me copies of emails I send to other users
- Email me when a page or a file on my watchlist is changed
- Email me when my user talk page is changed
- Email me also for minor edits of pages and files
- ⧼lqt-preference-notify-talk⧽
Common misunderstandings
Email notification has many settings, so if you think you've missed something check them carefully.
- The notifications about a page that "has been created" may be about any log action (such as protection) on the page, see <translate> task <tvar name=1>T16901</tvar></translate> and sons.
- If you don't click the link in the notification, you won't receive it next time.
Look for bolded items in your Special:Watchlist: they're pages you've not yet seen after recent changes and you won't be notified about them (note: your wiki may have hidden this essential highlighting feature).
- Edits by authorised bots sometimes don't cause an email notification even if you've configured your preferences to receive one for that kind of action: namely, if they make a minor edit on your talk page and you've set (only?) "Email me when my user talk page is changed", or if they make a minor edit on any page and you've set "Email me also for minor edits of pages and files".
This behavior is not documented nor configurable and has some bugs; see T40874.
See also the list of known bugs.
What you cannot watch
Watchlist only detects actual edits to the wikitext of the page.
- Included pages
- Changes to transcluded pages can also change the way the watched page is rendered, however these changes do not appear in the watchlist.
For more information see Help:Page history#Linking to a specific version of a page. One may choose to watch all the templates used, and the templates used by these templates, etc.
- Actions will not appear in watchlist:
- Note that after the move both the old and the new name are watched.
- Some projects have special templates (such as {{Sprotected }}) that should be added to protected pages, thus partly solving the problem.
- Some projects might have a policy to add a deletion notice to the page first, or even to notify main authors on their talk pages.
- One can also periodically check Special:Watchlist/edit page and inspect all broken (red) links.
- Images and categories
- Watching an image or a category means watching only the editable part.
Watchlist will not show uploads of new versions of images. It is not possible to watch a category in the sense of being notified if pages are added or removed. With "related changes," additions to categories can be detected; for removals, one has to watch all pages in the category.
Watching a nonexistent page
One can watch a nonexistent page. This page will appear in the watchlist changes when somebody creates it.
For example, if you watch a page that does not yet have a talk page, you will be notified when someone starts a new discussion on the talk page.
You can watch a page even if neither the content page nor the talk page exists. To do that, go to the page's URL, either by typing the URL directly or following a (broken) link, and then press "Watch" (depending on the skin you may have to press Cancel before getting the link Watch).
Page moves and the watchlist
If a page you have watched is moved to a new title, the new title will be automatically added to your watchlist. Even if the page is later moved back, the new title will remain in your watchlist along with the old one.
Even if the new title is deleted after the page has been moved back, a note about the deletion will appear on your watchlist and the title will remain in your list of watched pages. If you notice mysterious nonexistent pages appearing on your watchlist, this is the most likely explanation.
Related changes feature
- Main article: w:Help:Public watchlist
The "Related changes" can be used to set up watchlist-like functionality, as explained below.
Pages with links (possibly specially created for this purpose, e.g. as subpages of one's user page) can be used with Related Changes as a collection of separate "watchlists". Note however that unlike My Watchlist, Related Changes does not automatically include talk pages; to watch also the corresponding talk pages, links to them also have to be in the page on which Related Changes is applied. If the links to the talk pages are put just for this purpose, a blank space as link label can be used, which makes the link invisible and ineffective, except for Related Changes. Also, using Related Changes there is not the convenience of pressing a "watch" link to add the current page to the list of "watched pages".
Note that Related Changes does not detect an edit in the page itself and its talk page. Either include a self-link and a link to the talk page in the page, or put the page in another "special watchlist", or in one's standard watchlist.
Such pages can use the template mechanism to include other pages. However, see Pollution of categories.
Watching pages in a category by applying Related Changes to the category has a major drawback: removal of a page from the category is not detected.
An advantage of using Related Changes as alternative for the list of watched pages is that a revision history of the page(s) with links is available, while the system does not keep a record of pages that one has watched. However, Special:Watchlist/raw allows storage of the list: locally, or in a user subpage on the wiki.
If privacy is a concern, an advantage of the watchlist feature (if the list is not stored in a page on the wiki) is that it does not publicly reveal one's interest in a page (if one does not edit it). See also below.
As an alternative or in addition to using the watchlist feature, one can also define a user style for links to selected pages, putting in one's CSS a list of lines like:
a[title ="pagename"] {color: white; background: red; font-size: 150% }
This works in Opera, but not in Internet Explorer.
On the (Enhanced) Recent Changes page it works like the bolding feature mentioned above, but it is more versatile, e.g. allowing extra emphasis on pages one is very interested in, or different styles for different categories of interesting pages. Furthermore, it also works on user contributions pages, and on regular pages (also for piped links, but not for indirect links through a redirect). It also applies, less usefully, for the section editing links in the page itself.
To highlight links to the given page also from other websites, including interlanguage links, use instead of the above:
a[href ="full URL "] { .. }
Note that the full URL is needed, even to highlight links from the same project, even though the HTML code uses the relative URL /wiki/pagename.
Privacy of watchlists
Ordinary users or administrators cannot tell what is in your watchlist, or who is watching any particular page. Developers who have access to the servers that hold the Wikipedia database can figure out this kind of information. Publicly available database dumps do not include this kind of information.