Help:Setting values using #set with the "separator" parameter

From Linux Web Expert

"separator" parameter to #setProperty "Has name" (as page type) with input value ""separator" parameter to #set" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
This page describes the "separator" parameter to the "#set" parser function.
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Semantic MediaWiki 1.9.0Released on an unknown date unknown versions of MediaWiki introduced the |+sep=... parameter to the #set parser function. This parameter allows to declare a separator 12 for splitting value declarations assigned to a property.




 |Has text=fc00:123:8000::/%6;2001:db8::1428:57ab;2001:db8:0:8d3:0:8a2e:70:7344
In this case only a silent annotation using #set is possible since the values e.g. "2001:db8::1428" which should be assigned to the property contain two consecutive colons "::" which cannot be use for in-text annotations. Other restricted characters or values that can only be annotated this way are square brackets or wiki-links.

For verification, see the property assignments to the "Has text" property on special page Special:Browse for this page.

More examples

See also this page for more examples using different separators.

#scite could not render a citation text for reference "smw:gerrit:32347" because type "commit" was not assigned to a template.
#scite could not render a citation text for reference "mw:phab:T38309" because type "issue" was not assigned to a template.


  1. ^ smw:gerrit:32347 
  2. ^ mw:phab:T38309