
From Linux Web Expert

File:PD-icon.svg Note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution under the CC0. See Public Domain Help Pages for more info. File:PD-icon.svg

Guía de 2 minutos

Si sabes manejarte en los sitios Wikimedia y con software de edición de imagen, aquí va una guía rápida para hacer y subir capturas de pantalla:

  • Verifica que no haya capturas de pantallas o iconos en Commons;
  • Restablece tu interfaz a la default;
  • Aumenta el nivel de zoom en tu navegador;
  • Haz la captura de pantalla;
  • Recorta la captura de pantalla para que sólo se muestre lo relevante;
  • Sube la captura de pantalla a Commons con la licencia apropiada.

Guía detallada

¿Es necesaria una captura de pantalla?

Primero deberías verificar en Commons si ya hay capturas de pantallas o iconos de la funcionalidad que deseas resaltar:

Restablece tu interfaz

Para que las capturas de pantalla sean comprensibles por el mayor número posible de usuarios, deberías restablecer tu interfaz para eliminar cualquier personalización que hayas realizado. De lo contrario, los usuarios podrían confundirse por las diferencias entre las capturas de pantalla y su propia interfaz. Otherwise, users might be confused about differences between the screenshots and their own interface.

Si la función que quieres documentar está disponible para usuarios no registrados, la forma más fácil para restablecer tu interfaz sin cambiar tu cuenta y tus preferencias es abrir tu navegador en modo "anónimo", "incógnito" o "privado".

If you need an account to use the feature, you can either create a new account specifically for the purpose of making the screenshots, or you can use your regular account after disabling your custom scripts and gadgets that change your interface.

Aumenta el nivel de zoom en tu navegador

Change the zoom level of your browser, so that the screenshots are of the highest resolution possible. This can usually be done through a menu, or by pressing Ctrl++ several times, until you reach the maximum zoom your window can accommodate to display the feature you want to illustrate.

For example, if you just want to illustrate a specific button, you can increase to the maximum zoom level, even if the rest of the interface looks weird or impractical.

Por otro lado, si quieres ilustrar un menú como el editor de plantillas del Editor visual, puedes aumentar el nivel de zoom. Es probable que no puedas usar el máximo zoom porque de hacerlo no se verán funciones importantes en la pantalla

Haz la captura de pantalla

Para hacer una captura de pantalla en una PC, usa la teca Prt. sc en tu teclado.

To take a screenshot on an Apple computer, use the keyboard shortcut: ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+3 to take a screenshot of the whole screen; to take a screenshot of part of the screen, use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+4, and then drag the crosshair pointer to select the area. Continue to press the mouse button until you are ready to take the screenshot, then release the mouse button.

Guarda el archivo en formato PNG.

Recorta la captura de pantalla

Next, you need to crop the file. Any basic image editor can do this.

In the image editor, use the rectangular Selection tool to select the area you want to keep, then use the Crop function to remove the rest of the picture. This process differs between image editors; a quick look at the manual or a search online should provide you with the specific process for your software.

Only keep the part of the picture you want to show. This will make it easier for users to understand what you mean by minimizing distractions. This will also make it easier to determine the copyright status of the picture: you should remove any logo, images and text content unless they're necessary for the screenshot. Most of the time, if your goal is to document the interface of the software, you don't need to show the content of the page you're using it on. See Commons:Screenshots#Software for more tips.

Sube la captura de pantalla

When the cropped picture is ready, give it a descriptive name and upload it to Commons. The following link should direct you to the proper process: commons:Special:MyLanguage/Commons:Upload/screenshot. If you're taking a screenshot of MediaWiki, choose the first option (GPL), since that is the software's license.

If you're including images in your screenshot, try to choose images that are in the public domain, to keep things simple.

If you're including a significant amount of text (for example a whole paragraph of an article), you'll need to credit the page's authors in the upload form. Use the copyright tag {{Wikipedia-screenshot}} to take into account the different components of the image.

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