From Linux Web Expert
In cases where the response from a triple-store could not be interpret a BadHttpDatabaseResponseException
is raisedProperty "Has description" (as page type) with input value "In cases where the response from a triple-store could not be interpret a BadHttpDatabaseResponseException is raised" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. by the SPARQLStore.
The BadHttpResponseMapper
matches response according to the received Http code which in case of a CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR
is matched to BadHttpDatabaseResponseException
a possible "Malformed query" caused by an unsupported query construct (e.g property paths in Virtuoso 6.1 etc.) therefore it is best the copy the generated query into the SPARQL query endpoint and view the error response (details of the error vary with the specific endpoint interface).ERROR_REFUSED
a refused queryERROR_NOSERVICE
unable to reach the endpoint or a specific setting is missing 1
How to debug a "Malformed query"
Using |format=debug
in a #ask
query will output something similar to and use the input the execute the query directly.
PREFIX wiki: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX swivt: <> PREFIX property: <> PREFIX xsd: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?result swivt:wikiPageSortKey ?resultsk . ?result property:Has_page wiki:Foo . } ORDER BY ASC(?resultsk) OFFSET 0 LIMIT 51