Help:RSS format

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RSS format
Print links to RSS feeds for query results.
Further Information
Provided by: Semantic MediaWiki
Added: 1.1.0
Removed: 1.7.1
Requirements: none
Format name: rss
Enabled? Indicates whether the result format is enabled by default upon installation of the respective extension. yes
Authors: Denny Vrandecic , Markus Krötzsch
Categories: export · xml

The result format rss was used to produce links to RSS feeds. It was a special format for data export as explained in inline queries, and therefore properties must use known labels to specify how the wiki data relates to the RSS format. See this version of the documentation available for releases prior to Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0Released on an unknown date unknown versions of MediaWiki.

This format was superseded by result format "feed"Exports results as RSS and Atom feeds. available starting with Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0Released on an unknown date unknown versions of MediaWiki which supports the export of RSS and Atom feeds equally. Legacy support for queries using the old format name "rss" is provided. However, it is recommended to switch to the new syntax.