Help:Incoming format

From Linux Web Expert

Incoming format
Displays incoming properties to a page or property/value pair
Further Information
Provided by: Semantic Result Formats
Added: 1.8.0
Removed: still supported
Requirements: none
Format name: incoming
Enabled? Indicates whether the result format is enabled by default upon installation of the respective extension. no
Authors: James Hong Kong
Categories: misc
Table of Contents

The result format incoming shows all incoming properties to a page or property value pair, i.e. annotaton. Incoming properties can be displayed either as a simple list (separated using the sep parameter) or in a custom format by using a template. Use of a template allows flexibility to implement a semi-drilldown capacity (facilitating the #queryformlink parser function for assigned incoming properties).

This result format supersedes the #iask parser function that was formerly provided by the extension "Semantic Incoming Properties"No description was provided.. In addition, it provides extended integration such as template functionality and display of counted elements per assigned property.

This result format is not enabled by default. To enable it, see the instructions on extension "Semantic Result Formats"No description was provided..


A fatal error occurred in the #smwdoc parser function


The count parameter works only in connection with a template. When using a template and parameter count is set to true, the variable {{{count}}} is reserved for displaying the count value.

Selection can be done by either using a single page, for instance [[{{PAGENAME}}]], or a [[Property::Value]] pair.


The format can influence performance during execution due to potential large number of incoming properties assigned to each selected entity.

You can counter those concerns by setting an appropriate limit parameter and if necessary use the exclude parameter to eliminate specific properties from processing.


 [[ ... ]]
 |template=Incoming properties