Help:Extension:Translate/Quality assurance/ca

From Linux Web Expert

L'alta qualitat només es pot assolir quan tothom fa la seva part: hem resumit algunes maneres de traduir millor que s'han de seguir. Si sou un traductor o un administrador de la traducció, l'extensió Translate us proporciona les eines per produir traduccions d'alta qualitat. En les estadístiques i informes hem descrit les moltes eines que permeten als traductors trobar on es necessita el seu esforç i als administradors de traducció el monitoritzar el progrés. En aquesta pàgina s'expliquen les eines tècniques de garantia de qualitat que fomentin als traductors a treballar junts per millorar les seves traduccions. La revisió de la traducció és una tasca molt important i les eines proporcionades permeten incrementar i avaluar la qualitat de les traduccions.

Funcions de revisió de traducció

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Els traductors s'adonen de com molts usuaris han revisat cada traducció; tingueu en compte la marca de verificació de color gris i la icona del llapis que heu de clicar per editar la traducció

L'accés a les eines de revisió és controlat per dret d'usuari. L'extensió Translate per defecte afegeix un grup d'usuaris anomenat revisors de traducció. En la seva feina de revisió dels revisors, aquests poden indicar, clicant en un botó, si pensen que la traducció és correcta i bona. El programari realitza un seguiment de les traduccions revisades perquè els revisors no hagin de revisar les mateixes traduccions de nou. Els usuaris només poden revisar traduccions que no hagin fet ells mateixos. Diverses persones poden revisar qualsevol traducció.

La documentació dels missatges juga aquí un paper important. El revisor ha d'estar segur no només que la traducció té l'ortografia i la terminologia correcta, sinó que també és adequada per al context.

Pels traductors

El nombre de persones que han revisat una traducció es mostra prop de l'acció de revisió per a cada missatge.

De major interès, els traductors veuen en la seva llista quan la seva traducció ha estat revisada. Això és útil, ja que poden veure que algú està mirant al seu treball i l'aprecia, i que no els deixa sols o ignorats, i així puguin tenir més confiança sobre la traducció.

It's (currently) not possible to exclude translation review log entries from the watchlist, watchlist email notifications or recent changes.

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The small person icon indicates an own translation and replaces the review button. In this screenshot the new inline editor is shown too

Per als revisors

Translation review is performed on Special:Translate: the mark as reviewed check-mark is shown in the review view. Reviewers can review translations for any message group or choose the Recent translations message group to review latest translations.

Translations made by yourself can be hidden by clicking the hide button in the action bar at the bottom of the view. If not hidden, they have a small person icon. Filled (black) check-mark means that you have already marked the translation as reviewed. Empty check-mark (white on gray background) means that you will be the first reviewer of the translation. Gray check-mark means that the translation has been already reviewed by others, but not by you.

For other reviewers

Other reviewers benefit from knowing that some messages have already been reviewed, and by how many users. In fact, they can choose to focus review efforts on unreviewed translations in the group, using the relevant selector. Such translations might also have been left unreviewed by an unsure reviewer and require more attention because there is no way for the translator to report an uncertain translation.

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Reviewing the recent translation group, with the editor opened

Reviewing recent translations

The "recent translations" group is perhaps the most useful translation review feature. It can replace Special:RecentChanges and Special:WatchList for some uses.

In this page you can immediately see all translations you can review (and only them, if you use the filter for own translations). Most of the needed information is there and more is shown when you open the translation editor.

The initial review of message groups is better done one group at a time rather than in chronological order. The next section provides you a divide and conquer solution to decrease the review backlog.

Systematic review

Translation review makes into a real joy the hard job of proofreading a whole message group to keep it at an high level of quality and consistency.

If you know a message group well, you can open it for review and choose all translated messages and go through it all at once. Now you can check that messages have been correctly interpreted and improve their documentation; and ensure that source terms have been translated in the same way everywhere, with the help of the translation memory and the searchbar keyword-filter.

The next time, you'll only have to open the group again and skim it for the icons indicating new translations which need review; you won't need to closely follow recent changes nor to watchlist all messages, which are respectively too crowded and not practical.

Translation memory can help a little to keep the wording of similar messages consistent. It cannot enforce consistent use of terms in different kinds of messages. There is no technical solution for this problem yet, but you now have a handy tool to impose consistency piece by piece. It's a good achievement to have consistent translations at least across a whole message group, especially if it uses special terms which are hard to understand. In such cases more than usual, different translators might translate the messages, using different terms and resulting in a confusing overall translation. Moreover, if consistency is improved, the suggestions given by translation memory are more consistent and this should improve consistency among all message groups.

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A message group with state (just set yet) on the top left


The Translate extension is designed for publishing translations as soon as possible to show translators the impact of their work. If you want to be sure that translations are of good quality before using them, you can use a more formal process. You can implement a workflow through message group states.

Reviewing of translation does not have any effect on the appearance or usage of translations, so it's a quite different tool than the Flagged revisions extension: the scope of translation reviewing is not to find and provide to its readers the best translation among those available, but to encourage quality work on translations.

Reviewing of translation can be combined with message group workflow states by having a proofreading state to be used by proofreaders to coordinate. As explained in more detail in the relevant page, the two features do not interact with each other: they are controlled separately by the users.