
From Linux Web Expert

Balík jazykových rozšíření MediaWiki vám nabízí vše, co je potřeba k tomu abyste mohli používat Translate. Od kódu až po nezbytné instalační procedury. Tato stránka do detailu rozebírá všechny dostupné konfigurační volby pro případ, že potřebujete více informací, než je uvedeno na stránce o instalaci.

Ukázková konfigurace

Tato konfigurace patří do souboru LocalSettings.php v adresáři nainstalované MediaWiki.

wfLoadExtension( 'Translate' );
$wgGroupPermissions['translator']['translate'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['translator']['skipcaptcha'] = true; // Bug 34182: needed with ConfirmEdit
$wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode = 'qqq';

# Přidejte, pokud chcete povolit přístup k překladu stránky
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['pagetranslation'] = true;

# Soukromé klíče API pro služby strojového překladu
#$wgTranslateTranslationServices['Apertium']['key'] = '';

Uživatelská práva

Rozšíření Translate zavádí nová uživatelská práva:

Uživatelská práva Definice Popis
translate Edit using the translate interface Dovoluje uživatelům upravovat překlady.
translate-manage Manage message groups Dovoluje uživatelům aktualizovat a spravovat skupiny zpráv přes webové rozhraní.
translate-import Import offline translations Dovoluje uživatelům přímo kopírovat aktualizované překlady z offline nástrojů přes webové rozhraní (stále nestabilní). Tato skupina je volitelná. Pro import zpráv z externího zdroje není nezbytně nutná.
pagetranslation Mark versions of pages for translation Umožňuje uživatelům spravovat překlad stránek s obsahem.
translate-messagereview Review translations Umožňuje uživatelům označit překlady jako zkontrolované.
translate-proofr - Tato skupina má právo translate-messagereview a právo přidat další uživatele do skupiny translate-proofr.
translate-groupreview Change workflow state of message groups Umožňuje uživatelům změnit stav pracovního postupu skupiny. Tato skupina je volitelná a není nutná, pokud je ve výchozím nastavení zakázána proměnná $wgTranslateWorkflowStates. Pokud je povoleno, jsou stavy pracovního postupu definovány v proměnné $wgTranslateWorkflowStates.

Konfigurační proměnné

Následující dokumentace je pro vaše pohodlí zkopírována z Translate.php. Možnosti konfigurace se časem mění, takže pokud máte pochybnosti, dokumentace ve vašem Translate.php je nejlepší. Pro záznam je to 2016-04-21.

Tato část nebyla aktualizována, protože Translate byl přesunut na registraci rozšíření. V současné době neexistuje dobrý způsob, jak automaticky vygenerovat tento druh stránky dokumentace od extension.json.

Základní konfigurace

 * Language code for message documentation. Suggested values are qqq or info.
 * If set to false (default), message documentation feature is disabled.
$wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode = false;

 * Name of the bot which will invalidate translations and do maintenance
 * for page translation feature. Also used for importing messages from external
 * sources.
$wgTranslateFuzzyBotName = 'FuzzyBot';

 * Add a preference "Do not send me email newsletters" in the email preferences.
$wgTranslateNewsletterPreference = false;

 * Default values for list of languages to show translators as an aid when
 * translating (assistant languages).
 * Each user can override this setting in their preferences.
 * If MediaWiki core has a fallback for this language in Messages*.php, then
 * that fallback language is used, so use this variable only if you want to add more
 * languages to that fallback.
 * This feature works only if the value of the assistant languages
 * preference ('translate-editlangs') is the string 'default'.
 * Example:
 *  $wgTranslateLanguageFallbacks['fi'] = 'sv';
 *  $wgTranslateLanguageFallbacks['sv'] = [ 'da', 'no', 'nn' ];
$wgTranslateLanguageFallbacks = array();

 * Text that will be shown in translations if the translation is outdated.
 * Must be something that does not conflict with actual content.
if ( !defined( 'TRANSLATE_FUZZY' ) ) {
	define( 'TRANSLATE_FUZZY', '!!FUZZY!!' );

 * Define various web services that provide translation suggestions.
 * Translation memories are documented in our main documentation.
 * @see
 * For Apertium, you should get an API key.
 * @see
 * For Microsoft Azure AI Translator, you will need to setup your instance
 * in the "global" region or it will not work.
 * Yandex translation helper also provides langlimit option to limit total
 * number of suggestions (set to 0 to get all possible translations)
 * and langorder array to sort languages. Yandex translate engine is based on
 * wordnet, generated from search index, so number of indexed websites should be
 * a good heuristic to define the default language order.
 * The machine translation services are provided with the following information:
 * - server ip address
 * - versions of MediaWiki and Translate extension
 * - clients ip address encrypted with $wgProxyKey
 * - source text to translate
 * - private API key if provided
$wgTranslateTranslationServices = array();
$wgTranslateTranslationServices['TTMServer'] = array(
	'database' => false, // Passed to wfGetDB
	'cutoff' => 0.75,
	'type' => 'ttmserver',
	'public' => false,
$wgTranslateTranslationServices['Microsoft'] = array(
	'url' => '',
	'key' => null,
	'timeout' => 3,
	'type' => 'microsoft',
$wgTranslateTranslationServices['Apertium'] = array(
	'url' => '',
	'pairs' => '',
	'key' => null,
	'timeout' => 3,
	'type' => 'apertium',
$wgTranslateTranslationServices['Yandex'] = array(
	'url' => '',
	'key' => null,
	'pairs' => '',
	'timeout' => 3,
	'langorder' => array( 'en', 'ru', 'uk', 'de', 'fr', 'pl', 'it', 'es', 'tr' ),
	'langlimit' => 1,
	'type' => 'yandex',

 * List of tasks in Special:Translate. If you are only using page translation
 * feature, you might want to disable 'optional' task. Example:
 *  unset($wgTranslateTasks['optional']);
$wgTranslateTasks = array(
	'view' => 'ViewMessagesTask',
	'untranslated' => 'ViewUntranslatedTask',
	'optional' => 'ViewOptionalTask',
	'acceptqueue' => 'AcceptQueueMessagesTask',
	'reviewall' => 'ReviewAllMessagesTask',
	'export-as-po' => 'ExportasPoMessagesTask',
	'export-to-file' => 'ExportToFileMessagesTask',
	'custom' => 'CustomFilteredMessagesTask',

 * Experimental support for an "Ask" help button.
 * Might change into a hook later on.
 * This is an array with keys page, url and params.
 * - page is a title of a local wiki page
 * - url is an URL to use as is (e.g. an issue tracker submission form)
 *   which will override the page if set
 * - params is an array of key-value pairs of request params
 * -- each param value can contain the variable %MESSAGE%
 *    which will be replaced with the full page name.
 * @since 2011-03-11
$wgTranslateSupportUrl = false;

 * Like $wgTranslateSupportUrl, but for a specific namespace.
 * Each $wgTranslateSupportUrl-like array needs to be the value
 * assigned to the numerical ID of a namespace of the wiki.
 * @since 2015.09
$wgTranslateSupportUrlNamespace = array();

 * When unprivileged users open a translation editor, they will
 * see a message stating that a special permission is needed for translating
 * messages. If this variable is defined, there is a button which will
 * take the user to that page to ask for permission.
 * The target needs to be reiterated with the second variable to have
 * the same result with sandbox enabled where users can't enter the sandbox.
$wgTranslatePermissionUrl = 'Project:Translator';
$wgTranslateSecondaryPermissionUrl = 'Project:Translator';

 * If set, displays a warning and does not allow user to move
 * translatable pages having more subpages than this value
$wgTranslatePageMoveLimit = 500;

Funkce překladu stránky

 * Enable page translation feature.
 * Page translation feature allows structured translation of wiki pages
 * with simple markup and automatic tracking of changes.
 * @defgroup PageTranslation Page Translation
 * @see
$wgEnablePageTranslation = true;

 * Number for the Translations namespace. Change this if it conflicts with
 * other namespace in your wiki.
$wgPageTranslationNamespace = 1198;

 * If set to true, when a user selects an interface language via ULS (Universal
 * Language Selector), if the current page is a translatable page or a translation
 * page then the user is also redirected to the corresponding translation page
 * in the selected language.
 * The language of the translation pages visited afterwards will still depend on the
 * links followed (it will be the interface language only if the links use the
 * Special:MyLanguage syntax).
 * @since 2013-03-10
$wgTranslatePageTranslationULS = false;

Konfigurace skupiny zpráv

Následující jména konfiguračních proměnných byla změněna:

  • TranslateBlacklist --> TranslateDisabledTargetLanguages
  • TranslateAuthorBlacklist --> TranslateAuthorExclusionList
  • TranslateCheckBlacklist --> TranslateValidationExclusionFile

Staré proměnné byly podporovány pro verzi MLEB 2021.07, ale odstraněny ve verzi MLEB 2021.10.

 * Two-dimensional array of languages that cannot be translated.
 * Input can be exact group name, first part before '-' or '*' for all.
 * Second dimension should be language code mapped to reason for disabling.
 * Reason is parsed as wikitext.
 * Example:
 * $wgTranslateDisabledTargetLanguages = array(
 *     '*' => array( // All groups
 *         'en' => 'English is the source language.',
 *     ),
 *     'core' => array( // Exact group
 *         'mul' => 'Not a real language.',
 *     ),
 *     'ext' => array( // Wildcard-like group
 *         'mul' => 'Not a real language',
 *     ),
 * );

$wgTranslateDisabledTargetLanguages = array();

 * File containing checks that are to be skipped. See
 * for example.
$wgTranslateValidationExclusionFile = false;

 * Two-dimensional array of rules that exclude certain authors from appearing
 * in the exports. This is useful for keeping bots and people doing maintenance
 * work in translations not to appear besides real translators everywhere.
 * Rules are arrays, where first element is type: white or black. Inclusion
 * always overrules exclusion. Second element should be a valid pattern that
 * can be given a preg_match(). It will be matched against string of format
 * "group-id;language;author name", without quotes.
 * As an example by default we have rule that ignores all authors whose name
 * ends in a bot for all languages and all groups.
$wgTranslateAuthorExclusionList = array();
$wgTranslateAuthorExclusionList[] = array( 'black', '/^.*;.*;.*Bot$/Ui' );

 * List of namespace that contain messages. No talk namespaces.
 * @see
$wgTranslateMessageNamespaces = array();

 * CC = Custom classes.
 * Custom classes can register themselves here.
 * Key is always the group id, while the value is an message group object
 * or callable function.
 * @deprecated Use TranslatePostInitGroups hook instead.
$wgTranslateCC = array();

 * Location in the filesystem to which paths are relative in custom groups.
$wgTranslateGroupRoot = '/var/www/externals';

 * The newest and recommended way of adding custom groups is YAML files.
 * See examples under Translate/groups
 * Usage example:
 *  $wgTranslateGroupFiles[] = "$IP/extensions/Translate/groups/Shapado/Shapado.yml";
$wgTranslateGroupFiles = array();

 * List of possible message group review workflow states and properties
 * for each state.
 * The currently supported properties are:
 * * color: the color that is used for displaying the state in the tables.
 * * right: additional right that is needed to set the state.
 * Users who have the translate-groupreview right can set this in
 * Special:Translate.
 * The state is visible in Special:Translate, Special:MessageGroupStats and
 * Special:LanguageStats.
 * If the value is false, the workflow states feature is disabled.
 * State name can be up to 32 characters maximum.
 * Example:
 * $wgTranslateWorkflowStates = array(
 *      'new' => array( 'color' => 'FF0000' ), // red
 *      'needs_proofreading' => array( 'color' => '0000FF' ), // blue
 *      'ready' => array( 'color' => 'FFFF00' ), // yellow
 *      'published' => array(
 *          'color' => '00FF00', // green
 *          'right' => 'centralnotice-admin',
 *      ),
 * );
$wgTranslateWorkflowStates = false;

 * Map from deprecated group IDs to their current ID
 * Example value: array( 'core' => 'mediawiki-core' )
$wgTranslateGroupAliases = array();

Konfigurace související s nastavením systému

 * Set location of cache files. Defaults to $wgCacheDirectory.
$wgTranslateCacheDirectory = false;

 * Configures how the message index is stored.
 * The other backends need $wgCacheDirectory to be functional.
$wgTranslateMessageIndex = array( 'DatabaseMessageIndex' );
// $wgTranslateMessageIndex = array( 'SerializedMessageIndex' );
// $wgTranslateMessageIndex = array( 'CDBMessageIndex' );

 * If you have lots of message groups, especially file based ones, and the
 * message index rebuilding gets slow, set this to true to delay the rebuilding
 * via JobQueue. This only makes sense if you have configured jobs to be
 * processed outside of requests via cron or similar.
 * @since 2012-05-03
 * @deprecated Since MLEB 2021.10. Always inserted into the JobQueue
$wgTranslateDelayedMessageIndexRebuild = false;


Od MLEB 2020.10. již PHPlot není nutný. Byl nahrazen řešením založeným na JavaScriptu: Chart.js
 * For Special:TranslationStats PHPlot is needed to produce graphs.
 * Set this the location of phplot.php.
$wgTranslatePHPlot = false;

 * The default font for PHPlot for drawing text. Only used if the automatic
 * best font selection fails. The automatic best font selector uses language
 * code to call fc-match program. If you have open_basedir restriction or
 * safe-mode, using the found font is likely to fail. In this case you need
 * to change the code to use hard-coded font, or copy fonts to location PHP
 * can access them, and make sure fc-match returns only those fonts.
$wgTranslatePHPlotFont = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf';

Ovladač YAML

 * Currently supported YAML drivers are phpyaml, spyc and syck.
 * For phpyaml see
 * For syck we're shelling out to perl. So you need:
 * * At least perl 5.8 (find out what you have by running "perl -v")
 * * Install these modules from CPAN
 *   * YAML::Syck
 *   * PHP::Serialization.
 *   * File::Slurp
 * You should be able to do this with:
 *   for module in 'YAML::Syck' 'PHP::Serialization' 'File::Slurp'; do cpanp -i $module; done
 * For the shell to work, you also need an en.UTF-8 locale installed on your system.
 * add a line "en.UTF-8" to your /etc/locale.gen or uncomment an existing one and run locale-gen
 * if you do not have it already.
 * phpyaml is the fastest and based on libyaml so the output should be most
 * compatible. spyc output format is least compatible. syck is slowest but
 * almost as good as phpyaml.
$wgTranslateYamlLibrary = 'spyc';


 * Whether to allow users to sign up via a sandbox. Sandboxed users cannot do
 * much until approved and thus they can be get rid of easily.
 * @since 2013.04
$wgTranslateUseSandbox = false;

 * To which group the translators are promoted. If left at false, they will just
 * be removed from sandbox and become normal users.
 * @since 2013.04
$wgTranslateSandboxPromotedGroup = false;

 * List of page names to always suggest for sandboxed users.
 * @since 2013.10
$wgTranslateSandboxSuggestions = array();

 * Maximum number of translations a user can make in the sandbox.
 * @since 2013.10
$wgTranslateSandboxLimit = 20;


 * Pre-save transform for message pages. MediaWiki does this by default
 * (including for pages in the MediaWiki-namespace). By setting this to
 * false it allows users to put untransformed syntax such as "~~~~" into
 * a page without having them be transformed upon save.
$wgTranslateUsePreSaveTransform = false;

 * Default action for the RecentChanges filter, which makes it possible to filter
 * translations away or show them only.
 * Possible values: ('noaction', 'only', 'filter', 'site')
$wgTranslateRcFilterDefault = 'filter';

 * Set this to config like $wgTranslateTranslationServices if you want to run
 * SolrTTMServer tests.
 * @since 2013-01-04
$wgTranslateTestTTMServer = null;

 * List of user names that are allowed to alter their privileges and do other
 * things. Used for supporting integration testing.
 * @since 2013.10
$wgTranslateTestUsers = array();

Odstraňování problémů

<span id="Translation_page_is_empty_or_error_'Unbalanced_‎<translate>_tag'_shown">

Překladová stránka je prázdná nebo se zobrazuje chyba 'Nevyvážená ‎<translate> značka'

Za předpokladu, že existuje uzavírací značka ‎</translate>, je zdrojová stránka příliš velká. K tomu dochází u některých překladů, pokud je velikost zdrojové stránky okolo 50 kilobajtů. Zkraťte stránku nebo nastavením pcre.backtrack_limit zvyšte v LocalSettings.php

ini_set( 'pcre.backtrack_limit', 400000 ); nebo

v konfiguraci PHP (php.ini)

pcre.backtrack_limit=400000 .

V režimu TUX (nové uživatelské rozhraní) se nezobrazují žádné zprávy

Pokud jste přepsali $wgTranslateTasks, ujistěte se, že úkol custom z něj není vyloučen.

Nástroj se ve Special:Translate nenačte

Pokud uvidíte něco jako tohle s nekonečným "Načítání zpráv ..." (loading messages...), pak je ResourceLoader porušen: Nastavte $wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength = 1024; nebo nižší, dokud to nebude fungovat.

Pokud to nestačí, pamatovali jste na instalaci a povolení UniversalLanguageSelector ?

Uložení překladu se nezdařilo s Unknown error: "tpt-unknown-page"

K tomu dochází, když byla stránka označena k překladu, ale úloha na pozadí ještě nebyla zpracována. V tomto případě můžete spustit frontu úloh ručně nebo ještě lépe, nastavte nepřetržitý běh úloh, jak je popsáno na stránce Příručka:Fronta úloh . Pokud to problém nevyřeší, zkuste spustit php extensions/Translate/scripts/createMessageIndex.php.