From Linux Web Expert
These are the hooks of the Push extension.
Since Push version 0.7.
Hook that allows modifying (or aborting) a push before it is executed.
Example usage:
$wgHooks['PushAPIBeforePush'][] = 'efYourPushHook';
* Hook that allows modifying (or aborting) the push before it is executed.
* @param Title $title Title object of the page that will be pushed
* @param array $revision Array holding data about the latest revision of the page to be pushed
* @param string $target The target apis url
* @param string $token The edit token needed to do the push
* @param boolean $doPush Allows aborting the push by settings this to false
function efYourPushHook( Title &$title, array &$revision, &$target, &$token, &$doPush ) {
// Replaces 'Awesome' and 'awesome' by their upper-case equivalent on the target wiki.
$revision['*'] = str_replace( array( 'Awesome', 'awesome' ), 'AWESOME', $revision['*'] );
return true;
Since Push version 1.1.
Hook that allows doing actions after the completion of a push.
Example usage:
$wgHooks['PushAPIAfterPush'][] = 'efYourPushHook';
* Hook that allows doing actions after the completion of a push.
* @param Title $title Title object of the page that will be pushed
* @param array $revision Array holding data about the latest revision of the page to be pushed
* @param string $target The target apis url
* @param string $token The edit token needed to do the push
* @param string $response The (JSON) response of the call to the remote API.
function efYourPushHook( Title $title, array $revision, $target, $token, $response ) {
// Do something here
return true;
Since Push version 0.7.
Hook that allows modifying (or aborting) an image push before it is executed.
Example usage:
$wgHooks['PushAPIBeforeImagePush'][] = 'efYourPushHook';
* Hook that allows modifying (or aborting) the image push before it is executed.
* @param Title $title Title object of the page that will be pushed
* @param string $target The target apis url
* @param string $token The edit token needed to do the push
* @param boolean $doPush Allows aborting the push by settings this to false
function efYourPushHook( Title &$title, &$target, &$token, &$doPush ) {
// Do something here
return true;
Since Push version 1.1.
Hook that allows doing actions after the completion of an image push.
Example usage:
$wgHooks['PushAPIAfterImagePush'][] = 'efYourPushHook';
* Hook that allows doing actions after the completion of an image push.
* @param Title $title Title object of the page that will be pushed
* @param string $target The target apis url
* @param string $token The edit token needed to do the push
* @param string $response The (JSON) response of the call to the remote API.
function efYourPushHook( Title $title $target, $token, $response ) {
// Do something here
return true;