Extension:Proofread Page/Index pagination API

From Linux Web Expert

The ProofreadPage extension provides access to the pages in an index with the proofreadpagesinindex query module. The API prefix is prppii (ProofreadPage pages in index).

This API was deployed in MediaWiki 1.38.0-wmf.12.

Listing pages in an index

  • prppiititle the index title
  • prppiilimit the maximum number of pages to return
  • prppiicontinue continuation point
  • prppiiprop properties (default: id|title)
    • title: page title
    • id: page ID
	"action": "query",
    "list": "proofreadpagesinindex",
	"format": "json",
    "formatversion": 2,
	"prppiititle": "Index:Sandbox.djvu",

Example: https://en.wikisource.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&formatversion=2&list=proofreadpagesinindex&prppiititle=Index%3ASandbox.djvu

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "prppiifrom": 101,
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "proofreadpagesinindex": [
                "number": 1,
                "pageid": 23,
                "title": "Page:Sandbox.djvu/1"
                "number": 2,
                "pageid": 28,
                "title": "Page:Sandbox.djvu/2"

If more pages are returned than configured with prppiilmit or the API limits in general, use the continue.prppiifrom value as the prppiicontinue value of the next request.

As a generator

This module can be used as a generator, so it can also provide things like page quality:

	"action": "query",
	"format": "json",
	"prop": "proofread",
	"list": "",
	"generator": "proofreadpagesinindex",
	"formatversion": "2",
	"gprppiititle": "Index:Sandbox.djvu"

Example: https://en.wikisource.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=proofread&list=&generator=proofreadpagesinindex&formatversion=2&gprppiititle=Index%3APeri.djvu

    "batchcomplete": true,
    "continue": {
        "gprppiifrom": 101,
        "continue": "gprppiifrom||"
    "query": {
        "pages": [
                "ns": 250,
                "title": "Page:Sandbox.djvu/8",
                "missing": true
                "pageid": 23,
                "ns": 250,
                "title": "Page:Sandbox.djvu/1",
                "proofread": {
                    "quality": 3,
                    "quality_text": "Proofread"