
From Linux Web Expert

<translate> This extension is professionally maintained by the WikiTeq team.</translate>
<translate> WikiTeq provides official support for [[<tvar name=1>Special:MyLanguage/Version lifecycle</tvar>|MediaWiki LTS releases only]].</translate> <translate> It may work with other MediaWiki releases.</translate>
Freigabestatus: stabil
Einbindung Variable
Beschreibung Fügt neue eingebaute Variablen hinzu
Betreuer WikiTeq team
Letzte Version 4.3 (2021-09-23)
Kompatibilitätspolitik Für jede MediaWiki-Version, die ein Long Term Support Release ist, existiert ein entsprechender Zweig in der Erweiterung.
MediaWiki 1.31-1.35, 1.39
Datenbankänderungen Nein
Lizenz Keine Lizenz angegeben
Quarterly downloads Lua error in Module:Extension at line 172: bad argument #1 to 'inNamespace' (unrecognized namespace name 'skin').
Public wikis using Lua error in Module:Extension at line 172: bad argument #1 to 'inNamespace' (unrecognized namespace name 'skin').
Übersetze die MyVariables-Erweiterung, wenn sie auf translatewiki.net verfügbar ist
Probleme Offene Aufgaben · Einen Fehler melden

The MyVariables extension adds new built-in variables:

Variable Beschreibung Sample
{{currentuser}} Login of current user or the IP for anonymous users. "Pastakhov" oder "x.x.x.x"
{{currentloggeduser}} Login of current user or empty for anonymous users. "Pastakhov" oder ""
{{currentuserrealname}} Echter Name des aktuellen Benutzers. "Pavel Astakhov"
{{hitcounter}} Number of visits (hits) to the current page according to Extension:HitCounters or empty if the extension isn't installed. "123" oder ""
{{logo}} Pfad zum Wiki-Logo. "/w/skins/common/images/wiki.png"
{{uuid}} Zufällige (v4) UUID. "65ba1a51-c723-4b9d-b1f3-13148d628322"
{{userlanguagecode}} Language that the user specified in the preferences. "en", "en-ca", "ru", etc.
{{userregistration}} Timestamp of the date at which the user registered or empty if the page isn't a user page. "20100809003006" oder ""
{{firstrevisionid}} ID of the first revision of the current page or empty if page isn't yet created. "1" oder ""
{{firstrevisiontimestamp}} Timestamp of the first revision of the current page or empty if page isn't yet created. "20100809003006" oder ""
{{firstrevisionuser}} The user name (without the User prefix) or IP address associated to the first revision of the current page or empty if page isn't yet created. "Pastakhov", "x.x.x.x" oder ""
{{pageimage}} The main image of the current page as determined by Erweiterung:PageImages . If the extension is not installed or no main image was determined then {{PAGEIMAGE}} will output nothing. "Logo.png" oder ""
{{realname}} When used in a user page, will output the real name of the user. However, if used like this {{REALNAME:Jimbo}} it will output the real name of the user Jimbo. This dual behavior is similar to core variables like {{PAGENAME}}. "Pastakhov" oder ""
{{redirects}} Comma-separated list of redirects to the current page or empty if there're no redirects. "Foo, Bar, Baz" oder ""
{{subpages}} The subpages of the current page, in plain text, comma-separated and in alphabetic order. If there are no any subpages, it will output nothing. "Pastakhov/Subpage1, Pastakhov/Subpage2" or ""
{{whatlinkshere}} The titles of the pages that link to the current page, comma-separated and in alphabetic order. It will be empty if there are no linked pages. "Bar, Baz, Foo" oder ""


  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyVariables/de</tvar>|Download]] and move the extracted <tvar name=name>MyVariables/de</tvar> folder to your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> directory.</translate>
    <translate> Developers and code contributors should install the extension [[<tvar name=git>Special:MyLanguage/Download from Git</tvar>|from Git]] instead, using:</translate>cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/MyVariables%2Fde
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar> file:</translate>
    wfLoadExtension( 'MyVariables/de' );
  • File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>


  • This extension should not be confused with the Erweiterung:Variables extension, which allows the use of variables in the computer programming sense.

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