Manual:Running MediaWiki on ALT Linux

From Linux Web Expert

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This article gives instructions for people who want to run MediaWiki on a ALT Linux system.

Prerequisites: Apache, MySQL and PHP

Versions of packages in ALT Linux branch/4.0 are ok for MediaWiki.

Just do a

apt-get update
apt-get install lamp-server
chkconfig httpd2 on
service httpd2 start
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
a2enmod mod_php5

For branch/p7 you also have to do

apt-get install php5-dom

PHP security configuration

PHP in ALT Linux has quite secure defaults, so change the following settings in /etc/php/<version>/apache-mod_php/php.ini:

  • safe_mode - turn it off
  • memory_limit - raise to 500M
  • suhosin.executor.func.blacklist, suhosin.executor.eval.blacklist, disable_functions - remove 'system', 'chdir', 'popen' and 'passthru' from those blacklists.
  • remove 'exec', 'shell_exec', 'chdir' from blacklists

Page editing will break on very long pages unless you change the limit in /etc/php/<version>/apache-mod_php/php.d/suhosin.ini:

  • - increase it to 650000


service httpd2 restart