Manual:Pywikibot/generate user

From Linux Web Expert

The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. je skript pywikibota používaný k vytvoření jednoho nebo dvou uživatelských souborů:


This script has to be invoked via the pwb wrapper script.


Příklad výstupu pomocí Windows:

You can abort at any time by pressing ctrl-c

Your default user directory is "C:\pywikibot"
 1: commons
 2: i18n
 3: incubator
 4: lyricwiki
 5: mediawiki
 6: meta
 7: omegawiki
 8: osm
 9: outreach
10: species
11: strategy
12: test
13: vikidia
14: wikia
15: wikiapiary
16: wikibooks
17: wikidata
18: wikimania
19: wikimediachapter
20: wikinews
21: wikipedia
22: wikiquote
23: wikisource
24: wikitech
25: wikiversity
26: wikivoyage
27: wiktionary
28: wowwiki
Select family of sites we are working on, just enter the number or name (default: wikipedia):

<translate> Global arguments available</translate>

<translate> These options will override the configuration in <tvar|1> </> settings. </translate>

<translate> Global options</translate>
<translate> Parameter</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Config variable</translate>
-dir:<translate> PATH</translate> <translate> Read the bot's configuration data from directory given by PATH, instead of from the default directory.</translate>  
-config:<translate> file</translate> <translate> The user config filename.</translate> Default is
-configfile></>. <tvar xx>xx</> should be the language code.</translate> mylang
-configfile></>.</translate> <translate> Set the family of the wiki you want to work on, e.g. wikipedia, wiktionary, wikitravel, ...</translate> <translate> This will override the configuration in <tvar family
-xyz>xyz</>' instead of the default username.</translate> <translate> Log in as user '<tvar usernames
-xyz>xyz</>. (only use for bots that require no input from stdin).</translate> <translate> Immediately return control to the terminal and redirect stdout and stderr to file <tvar  
-help <translate> Show the help text.</translate>  
-1>-bot.log</>' Logs will be stored in the logs subdirectory.</translate> <translate> Enable the log file, using the default filename 'script_name<tvar log
-xyz>xyz</>' as the filename.</translate> <translate> Enable the log file, using '<tvar logfilename
-nolog <translate> Disable the log file (if it is enabled by default).</translate>  
-1></></translate> <translate> Sets a new maxlag parameter to a number of seconds.</translate> <translate> Defer bot edits during periods of database server lag. Default is set by <tvar maxlag
<translate> Set the minimum time (in seconds) the bot will wait between saving pages.</translate> put_throttle
<translate> Enable the log file and include extensive debugging data for component "item" (for all components if the second form is used).</translate> debug_log
<translate> Have the bot provide additional console output that may be useful in debugging.</translate> verbose_output
-cosmetic>cosmetic_changes</> setting made in <tvar
config></> or <tvar cosmetic_changes
-simulate <translate> Disables writing to the server.</translate> <translate> Useful for testing and debugging of new code (if given, doesn't do any real changes, but only shows what would have been changed).</translate> simulate
-<<translate> config var</translate>>:n <translate> You may use all given numeric config variables as option and modify it with command line.</translate>