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install.php file is a CLI-based maintenance script for installing and configuring MediaWiki.

This script creates a new LocalSettings.php. It will abort if a LocalSettings.php file exists already, and it can't read existing settings from that file.


php install.php [--conf|--confpath|--dbgroupdefault|--dbname|--dbpass|--dbpassfile|--dbpath|--dbport|--dbprefix|--dbschema|--dbserver|--dbtype|--dbuser|--env-checks|--globals|--help|--installdbpass|--installdbuser|--lang|--memory-limit|--pass|--passfile|--profiler|--quiet|--scriptpath|--server|--skins|--wiki|--with-extensions] <name> <admin>

The tables below explain the various options and arguments. The default values for the options are indicated in parentheses.

Generic maintenance parameters:

--help (-h) Display this help message
--quiet (-q) Whether to suppress non-error output
--conf Location of LocalSettings.php, if not default This setting has no effect on this script and will be ignored.
--wiki For specifying the wiki ID
--globals Output globals at the end of processing for debugging
--memory-limit Set a specific memory limit for the script, "max" for no limit or "default" to avoid changing it
--server The protocol and server name to use in URLs, e.g. This is sometimes necessary because server name detection may fail in command line scripts.
--profiler Profiler output format (usually "text")

Parameter naskah bergantung

--dbuser The DB user to use for this script. This value appears in LocalSettings.php for $wgDBuser . If --installdbuser and --installdbpass are given, this value will be used to create a new account
--dbpass The password to use for this script. This value appears in LocalSettings.php for $wgDBpassword . If --installdbuser and --installdbpass are given, this value will be used to create a new account
--dbgroupdefault The default database group to use

Parameter naskah spesifik

--confpath Path to write LocalSettings.php to (/var/www/)
--dbname The database name (my_wiki)
--dbpassfile An alternative way to provide dbpass option, as the contents of this file
--dbpath The path for the SQLite DB ($IP/data)
--dbport The database port; only for PostgreSQL (5432)
--dbprefix Optional database table name prefix
--dbschema The schema for the MediaWiki DB in PostgreSQL/Microsoft SQL Server (mediawiki)
--dbserver The database host (localhost)
--dbtype The type of database (mysql)
--env-checks Run environment checks only, don't change anything
--installdbpass The password for the DB user to install as
--installdbuser The user to use for installing (root)
--lang The language to use (en)
--pass The password for the wiki administrator
--passfile An alternative way to provide pass option, as the contents of this file
--scriptpath The relative path of the wiki in the web server (/wiki)
--skins Comma-separated list of skins to install (default: all)
--with-extensions Detect and include extensions
--with-developmentsettings Load DevelopmentSettings.php in LocalSettings.php (<translate> Since <tvar name=1>MW 1.42 Gerrit change 977136</tvar></translate>)


<name> Nama wiki
<admin> The username of the wiki administrator


Set up wiki using a user with required permissions in database to create a new database for the wiki called "Wiki Name" and a user called "Admin" to operate the wiki:

php maintenance/install.php --dbname=wikidb --dbserver="localhost" --installdbuser=root --installdbpass=rootpassword --dbuser=dbusername --dbpass=dbuserpassword --server="" --scriptpath=/w --lang=en --pass=Adminpassword "Wiki Name" "Admin"