
From Linux Web Expert

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<translate> Namespaces</translate>: $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedProject
Additional namespaces that will be added to default search for "project"
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate>1.14.0 (r43595)
<translate> Removed in version:</translate>1.16.0
<translate> Allowed values:</translate>参见下方
<translate> Default value:</translate>参见下方


Additional namespaces to those in $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault that will be added to default search for "project" page inclusive searches.

$wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault 的格式相同。


$wgNamespacesToBeSearchedProject = array(
	NS_USER           => true,
	NS_PROJECT        => true,	
	NS_HELP           => true,
	NS_CATEGORY       => true,