Template:Free screenshot/cs
Tento snímek obrazovky je z programu, který byl vydán pod licencí svobodného softwaru. Jako odvozené dílo tohoto programu spadá tento snímek obrazovky pod stejnou licenci. Licence svobodného softwaru: Pokud snímek obrazovky zobrazuje jakékoli dílo, které není přímým výsledkem samotného programového kódu, jako je text nebo grafika, které nejsou součástí programu, licence pro toto dílo musí být uvedena samostatně. |
Licenční pokyny pro snímky obrazovky: commons:Commons:Screenshots.
{{Free screenshot|template=GPL}}
This screenshot is of a program that has been released under a free software license. As a derivative work of that program, this screenshot falls under the same license. Free software license:
If the screenshot shows any work that is not a direct result of the program code itself, such as a text or graphics that are not part of the program, the license for that work must be indicated separately. |
{{Free screenshot|template=BSD}}
This screenshot is of a program that has been released under a free software license. As a derivative work of that program, this screenshot falls under the same license. Free software license:
If the screenshot shows any work that is not a direct result of the program code itself, such as a text or graphics that are not part of the program, the license for that work must be indicated separately. |
{{Free screenshot|license= {{GPL}} {{BSD}} {{cc-by-3.0}} }}
Lua error in mw.lua at line 177: invalid frame ID.