Template:MediaWiki News/zh
From Linux Web Expert
- 2024-05-03 至 2024-05-05
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 2024年维基媒体黑客松 于爱沙尼亚塔林(欧洲)举办。
- 2024-04-17 至 2024-04-19
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference 2024 于俄勒冈州波特兰(美国)举办。 (View livestream)
- 2024-03-28
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.39.7、1.40.3、1.41.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2023-12-21
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.41.0现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.35.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.14、1.39.6、1.40.2 安全更新现已提供。
- 2024-02-03 至 2024-02-04
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg FOSDEM于比利时布鲁塞尔(欧洲)举办。
- 2024-01-05
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 于爱沙尼亚塔林(欧洲)举办的维基媒体黑客松的奖助金申请将截止。
- 2023-12-11 至 2023-12-13
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg SMWCon Fall 2023(线上及线下)
- 2023-09-29
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维护更新:MediaWiki 1.35.13
- 2023-09-28
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.12、1.39.5、1.40.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2023-06-30
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.40.0现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.11、1.38.7、1.39.4 安全更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.38.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2023-08-16 至 2023-08-19
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维基媒体国际会议2023在新加坡举办。
- 2023-08-15 至 2023-08-19
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Chaos Communication Camp于德国柏林(欧洲)附近举办。
- 2023-05-19 至 2023-05-21
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维基媒体黑客松于希腊雅典(欧洲)举办。
- 2023-06-09
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.40.0-rc.0 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2023-04-19 至 2023-04-21
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg EMWCon于美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀举办。 查看直播。
- 2023-03-30
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.10、1.38.6、1.39.3 安全更新现已提供。
- 2023-03-11
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki现已入驻 Mastodon! 在 @mediawiki@wikis.world 关注我们了解动态。
- 2023-02-22
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维护更新:MediaWiki 1.39.2
- 2023-02-04 至 2023-02-05
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg FOSDEM于比利时布鲁塞尔(欧洲)举办。
- 2022-12-22
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.9、1.38.5、1.39.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2022-11-30
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.39.0现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.37.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2022-10-07
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.39.0-rc.1 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2022-09-29
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.8、1.37.5、1.38.3 安全更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维护更新:MediaWiki 1.37.6和1.38.4
- 2022-06-15
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维基媒体开发者门户正式启动:探索维基媒体的技术领域与贡献方法!
- 2022-06-03
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.36.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2022-10-26 至 2022-10-28
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg SMWCon Fall 2022(线上及线下)
- 2022-09-23
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.39.0-rc.0 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2022-07-08
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维护更新:MediaWiki 1.37.4
- 2022-06-30
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.7、1.37.3、1.38.2 安全更新现已提供。
- 2022-06-06
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维护更新:MediaWiki 1.38.1
- 2022-06-02
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.38.0现已提供。
- 2022-05-20 至 2022-05-22
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维基媒体黑客松2022(线上及线下)
- 2022-05-20
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.38.0-rc.1 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2022-04-20
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.38.0-rc.0 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2022-04-06 至 2022-04-08
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg EMWCon Spring 2022(美国休斯敦)
- 2022-03-31
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.6、1.36.4和1.37.2安全更新现已提供。
- 2021-12-15
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.5、1.36.3、1.37.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2021-11-18
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.37.0现已提供。
- 2021-12-08 至 2021-12-10
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg SMWCon Fall 2021(线上)
- 2021-11-10
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.37.0-rc.2 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2021-11-04
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.37.0-rc.1 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2021-10-21
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.37.0-rc.0 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2021-09-30
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.16、1.35.4、1.36.2 安全更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.31.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2021-05-20
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg #mediawiki IRC支持频道将从Freenode转移到Libera Chat。
- 2021-06-23
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.15、1.35.3、1.36.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2021-05-28
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.36.0现已提供。
- 2021-05-21 至 2021-05-23
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维基媒体黑客松2021(线上)
- 2021-04-08
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.31.14 维护更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.13、1.35.2 安全更新现已提供。
- 2021-04-01
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki更换了新的Logo。
- 2020-12-18
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.31.12 维护更新现已提供。
- 2020-12-17
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.11、1.35.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2020-11-30
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.34.x 各版本的支持周期已结束。
- 2020-09-25
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.0 发行版本现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.31.10、1.34.4 维护更新现已提供。
- 2020-09-24
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.9、1.34.3 安全更新现已提供。
- 2020-09-15
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 有一份探索使用GitLab取代Gerrit进行代码审查的提案,欢迎各位开发人员反馈。
- 2020-11-24 至 2020-11-26
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg SMWCon Fall 2020(线上)
- 2020-09-04
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.0-rc.3 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2020-08-21
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.0-rc.2 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2020-08-07
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.0-rc.1 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2020-07-31
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.35.0-rc.0 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2020-06-24
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.8、1.33.4、1.34.2 安全更新现已提供。
- 2020-06-24
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.33.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2020-05-09 至 2020-05-10
- 维基媒体黑客松2020(线上)
- 2020-03-30
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg 维基媒体技术博客项目已启动。
- 2020-04-01 至 2020-04-03
- 企业MediaWiki会议(线上)
- 2020-03-26
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.7、1.33.3、1.34.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2020-01-24
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.32.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2019-12-19
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.34.0 发行版本现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.6、1.32.6 、1.33.2 安全更新现已提供。
- 2019-11-05
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.34.0-rc.1 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2019-10-15
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.31.5、1.32.5 维护更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon advanced-progressive.svg MediaWiki 1.34.0-rc.0 预发行版本现已可供测试。
- 2019-10-07
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.4、1.32.4 、1.33.1 安全更新现已提供。
- 2019-09-25 至 2019-09-27
- SMWCon Fall 2019于法国巴黎举办。 观看直播。
- 2019-07-02
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.33.0 发行版本现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.31.3、1.32.3 错误修复现已提供。
- 2019-06-07
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.27.7 错误修复现已提供。
- 2019-06-06
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.27.6、1.30.2、1.31.2、1.32.2 安全更新现已提供。
- 2019-05-17 至 2019-05-19
- 欧洲维基媒体黑客松于捷克布拉格举办。
- 2019-04-30
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.32.1 错误修复现已提供。
- 2019-04-03 至 2019-04-05
- 企业MediaWiki会议于美国戴利城举办。
- 2019-01-11
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.32.0 发行版本现已提供。
- 2018-10-23 至 2018-12-13
- 面向13至17岁学生的维基媒体/MediaWiki开发比赛即将举办。更多信息参见Google Code-in/2018。
- 2018-09-20
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.31.1、1.30.1、1.29.3、1.27.5 安全更新现已提供。
- 2018-06-13
- 2017-12-12
- 2017-11-14
- 2017-08-23
- 2017-07-13
- 2017-04-30
- 2017-04-11
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.23.17 问题修复更新现已提供(修复了1.23.16中PHP 5.3安装的问题)
- 2017-04-06
- 2016-11-28
- 2016-08-22
- 2016-08-02
- 2016年维基媒体开发者峰会视频已发布至共享资源。
- 2016-06-28
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.27.0 发行版本(LTS)现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-yellow.svg <translate> Note:</translate> MediaWiki 1.25.x 各版本的生命支持周期已结束。
- 2016-05-20
- 2015-12-21
- 2015-12-17
- 2015-11-25
- 2015-10-16
- 2015-08-10
- 2015-06-30
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg From MediaWiki 1.26wmf12 onwards, the old continuation mode of the API for
doesn't work (details).
- 2015-06-12
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Wikimedia sites begin requiring HTTPS (including API requests)
- 2015-05-25
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.25.1 维护更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.25.0 is now available, and 1.19 is officially EOL.
- 2015-03-31
- 2015-02-11
- 2014-12-17
- 2014-11-26
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.24.0 发行版本现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.23.7、1.22.14、1.19.22 安全更新现已提供。
- 2014-10-29
- 2014-10-01
- 2014-09-24
- 2014-08-27
- 2014-07-30
- 2014-06-25
- 2014-06-05
- 2014-05-29
- 2014-04-24
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.22.6、1.21.9 安全更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.23.0 发行候选现已提供。
- 2014-04-02
- 2014-03-27
- 2014-03-11
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.19.13 安全更新现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.22.4、1.21.7 错误修复现已提供。
- 2014-02-27
- 2014-01-28
- 2014-01-13
- 2013-12-06
- 2013-12-03
- 2013-11-17
- 2013-11-14
- 2013-09-12
- 2013-09-03
- 2013-05-29
- 2013-05-25
- 2013-05-21
- 2013-05-09
- 2013-04-30
- 2013-04-17
- 2013-04-15
- 2013-04-09
- 2013-04-08
- 2013-04-04
- 2013-03-13
- 2013-03-11
- 2013-03-08
- 2013-03-06
- 2013-03-04
- 2013-02-22
- Wikipedia starts supporting the Lua scripting language for writing templates
- Video: Wikimedia & wikiHow mobile updates
- 2013-02-21
- Smartphone photographers: join the Wikimedia Commons mobile uploads testing week, starting on Feb 25.
- The Signpost Technology report: Better templates and 3D buildings.
- 2013-02-20
- MediaWiki extensions, gadgets, and modules at SCALE 11x - this weekend in Los Angeles.
- 2013-02-11
- The MediaWiki community will apply to be part of the 2013 edition of Google Summer of Code (announcement).
- 2013-02-08
- PageImages extension aims to return the single most appropriate thumbnail associated with an article.
- Echo: A new notification system for Wikipedia
- MediaWiki is on Packagist
- How to hack on Wikipedia presentation at FOSDEM - video & slides
- 2013-02-05
- The Signpost Technology report: Wikidata team targets English Wikipedia deployment
- Commons app project starts releasing nightly builds of Android version for testing.
- 2013-02-04
- From duct tape to puppets: How a new data center became an opportunity to do things right
- Wikipedia Mobile Hits 3 Billion Monthly Page Views
- Kiwix project leader interview.
- Wikimedia IdeaLab is an experiment in user-friendly grantmaking - applies to software projects as well.
- 2013-01-31
- Our sessions at FOSDEM:
- GeoData: a new age of geotagging on Wikipedia - based on the GeoData extension
- The Signpost technology report: Developers get ready for FOSDEM amid caching problems
- 2013-01-30
- 2013-01-29
- 2013-01-26
- 2013-01-25
- MediaWiki SVN repository marked as read-only
- Check the roadmap of Parsoid, the wikitext / HTML / RDF translator required by the VisualEditor extension.
- Wikimedia Foundation is looking for: Technical Writer
- 2013-01-23
- The Signpost technology report: Data centre migration successful
- Wikimedians attending Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong this August can apply for a scholarship (deadline: Feb 22)
- 2013-01-19
- Wikimedia sites to move to primary data center in Ashburn, Virginia
- Next Bug Day: Jan 29, 17:00-23:00 UTC
- 2013-01-18
- New grants available from the Wikimedia Foundation for individual Wikimedians
- New manual for using Pywikibot for Wikidata
- Beautiful demo video showcasing Seizam's collaborative features
- Strapping, a friendly starter theme for MediaWiki - in use at oVirt.org
- Mailing list for Editor Engagement tech now open - see welcome message
- 2013-01-17
- Video: Solr use in MediaWiki Translate extension, by Niklas Laxström
- BlueSpice 1.20.1 patch release (notes)
- How To Install MediaWiki on Rackspace Cloud Sites Video Guide
- 2013-01-16
- Intermittent outages planned, first Wikidata client deployment - The Signpost Technology report
- 2013-01-14
- Promotion, marketing & outreach at the new MediaWiki Group Promotion
- MediaWiki Group San Francisco becomes our first local group
- Putting together a list of MediaWiki vendors
- 2013-01-11
- Wikimedia Foundation is looking for: Tools Lab Operations Engineer (Contractor)
- Wikipedia Mobile Beta: a sandbox for new experimental features
- A more efficient translation interface (includes demo video)
- 2013-01-10
- 2013-01-09
- MediaWiki 1.21 is under development. Watch its wiki page and follow the thread at wikitech-l.
- Looking ahead to 2013 - The Signpost Technology report
- 2013-01-08
- 2013-01-07
- 2013-01-05
- 2013-01-03
- Natural Language Processing for MediaWiki: First major release of the Semantic Assistants Wiki-NLP Integration
- Meet the Echo development team on Jan 8 and learn about the upcoming notifications framework for MediaWiki
- MediaWiki Workshop in Kolkata this Saturday at MozTI@BESU
- 2013-01-01
- 2012-12-04
- 1.20.2 released
- 2012-11-30
- 1.20.1, 1.19.3, 1.18.6 released
- 2012-11-07
- 1.20.0 released
- 2012-08-31
- 1.19.2, 1.18.5 released
- 2012-06-13
- 1.19.1, 1.18.4, 1.17.5 released
- 2012-05-02
- 1.19.0 released
- 2012-04-26
- 1.19.0 rc1 released
- 2012-04-26
- 1.18.3 released
- 2012-04-26
- 1.17.4 released
- 2012-03-27
- Switch to Git: Complete for core & WMF extensions
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki core + extensions WMF deploys have switched to Git (details).
- 2012-03-22
- 1.19.0 beta 2 released
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.19.0 beta 2 is now available.
- 2012-03-22
- 1.18.2 released
- 2012-03-22
- 1.17.3 released
- 2012-03-07
- 1.19.0 beta 1 released
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.19.0 beta 1 is now available.
- 2012-02-29
- Switch to Git: March 21
- 2012-02-26
- Switch to Git in one week
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki core + extensions WMF deploys will switch from Subversion to Git on
3 March 2012.
- 2012-01-11
- 1.18.1 released
- 2012-01-11
- 1.17.2 released
- 2011-11-28
- 1.18.0 released
- 2011-11-28
- 1.17.1 released
- 2011-11-18
- 1.18.0rc1 released
- 2011-11-04
- 1.18 beta 1 released
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.18 beta 1 is now available.
- 2011-06-22
- 1.17.0 released
- 2011-06-14
- 1.17.0rc1 released
- 2011-05-05
- 1.17 beta 1 released
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.17 beta 1 is now available.
- 2011-05-05
- 1.16.5 released
- 2011-04-14
- 1.16.4 released
- 2011-04-12
- 1.16.3 released
- 2011-02-01
- 1.16.2 released
- 2011-01-04
- 1.16.1 released
- 2010-07-28
- 1.16.0 and 1.15.5 released
- 2010-05-28
- 1.15.4, 1.16.0 beta 3 released
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.15.4 and 1.16.0 beta 3 security release available
- 2010-04-07
- 1.15.3, 1.16.0 beta 2 released
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.15.3 and 1.16.0 beta 2 security release available
- 2010-03-12
- 1.16.0 beta 1 released
- 2010-03-08
- 1.15.2 released
- 2009-07-13
- 1.15.1, 1.14.1 released
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.15.1 错误修复现已提供。
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg MediaWiki 1.14.1 错误修复现已提供。
- 2009-06-10
- 1.15.0 released
- 2009-05-16
- 1.15.0rc1 released
- 2009-02-22
- 1.14.0, 1.13.5 released
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.14.0 quarterly release available
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg MediaWiki 1.13.5 错误修复现已提供。
- 2009-02-07
- 1.13.4, 1.12.4, 1.6.12, and 1.14.0rc1 released
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Security updates available
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.14.0rc1 发行候选现已提供。
- 2008-12-15
- 1.13.3, 1.12.2, 1.6.11 released
- 2008-10-02
- 1.13.2, 1.12.1 released
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Security updates MediaWiki 1.13.2 and 1.12.1 available
- 2008-09-06
- 1.13.1 released
- 2008-08-14
- 1.13.0 quarterly release
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.13.0 final release available, see 手册:更新 .
- 2008-08-11
- 1.13.0rc2 release candidate
- 2008-07-25
- 1.13.0rc1 release candidate
- 2008-03-20
- 1.12.0 quarterly release
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.12.0 final release available, see 手册:更新 .
- 2008-03-11
- 1.12.0rc1 release candidate
- 2008-03-02
- 1.11.2 security update, 1.10.4, 1.9.6 bugfix updates
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Security updates available.
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Bug fixes for regressions in previous security fix
- 2008-01-23
- 1.11.1, 1.10.3, 1.9.5 security updates
- 2007-09-10
- 1.11.0 new stable branch
- 2007-09-10
- 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.5 security updates
- 2007-09-05
- 1.11.0 branch release candidate
- 2007-07-23
- MediaWiki 1.11.0 release will be held back until mid-August, after the Wikimania 2007 conference, to allow for better testing of new features.
- 2007-07-13
- 1.10.1 bugfix release
- 2007-05-09
- 1.10.0 new stable branch
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg MediaWiki 1.10.0 final release available, see Manual:Upgrading to 1.10.
- 2007-05-04
- 1.10.0 branch release candidate
- 2007-04-30
- 1.10.0 branch release candidate
- 2007-04-12
- MediaWiki 1.10.0 release will be held back until the latter half of April to allow for better testing, performance tuning
- 2007-02-20
- 1.9.3, 1.8.4, 1.7.3, 1.6.10 security fix releases
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Patched Internet Explorer-specific XSS vulnerability in non-default configuration (with experimental AJAX features enabled).
- 2007-02-04
- 1.9.2 fix release
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Patched XSS vulnerability in sortable tables; all 1.9 users should upgrade.
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Fixes to Creative Commons license configuration, optional storage compression.
- 2007-01-24
- 1.9.1 bug fix release
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Fixes to installation/upgrade, IIS, Opera/Mac and Firefox/X11 tooltip labels, security fix for optional DjVu support, and other fixes.
- 2007-01-10
- 1.9.0 new stable branch
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg Quarterly release updates, see also Upgrading to 1.9.
- 2007-01-09
- 1.9.0rc2 testing release; 1.8.3, 1.7.2, 1.6.9 security fix releases
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Patched XSS vulnerability in non-default configuration (with experimental AJAX features enabled).
- 2006-10-13
- 1.8.2 bug fix release
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Fix for non-ASCII namespaces on Windows servers.
- 2006-10-11
- 1.8.1 bug fix release
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Installer PHP 5 check, register_globals paranoia, disabled potentially information-leaky backtraces.
- 2006-10-10
- 1.8.0 new stable branch
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg Quarterly release updates, see also Upgrading to 1.8.
- 2006-07-08
- 1.7.1, 1.6.8 bug fix releases
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Fixed some installer issues in 1.7.
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg Potential XSS with vulnerable PHP versions patched.
- 2006-07-07
- 1.7.0 new stable branch
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg Quarterly release updates, see also Upgrading to 1.7.
- 2006-06-06
- Fix for XSS in 1.6 branch
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg All 1.6 installations should upgrade to 1.6.7. 1.5.x and earlier may be affected by some problems with extensions.
- 2006-05-23
- Fix for XSS in 1.6 branch
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg All 1.6 installations should upgrade to 1.6.6. 1.5.x and earlier not affected.
- 2006-05-02
- 1.6.5 more fixes
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Various fixes for other corner cases. 1.6.4 was slightly buggy.
- 2006-04-10
- 1.6.3 installer fixes
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Installation on MySQL 4.0 older than 4.0.18 should work again.
- 2006-04-08
- 1.6.2 extension fixes
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg Extension tags with "/" in parameters work again. Some more installer fixlets.
- 2006-04-05
- 1.6.1 installer fixes
- File:OOjs UI icon lightbulb-20 fc3.svg A few bugs affecting some installs on 1.6.0 fixed.
- 2006-04-05
- 1.6.0 new stable branch
- File:OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg Quarterly release brings fun new features, see also Upgrading to 1.6.
- 2006-03-26
- 1.5.8 and 1.4.15 fix XSS injection bug
- File:OOjs UI icon notice-destructive.svg HTML injection in encoded page links.