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Revision as of 14:01, 12 May 2018 by >Kghbln (setting to configuration parameter)
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Template:Interlanguagelink: en
Configuration parameter details:
Name $smwgMaxPropertyValues
Description Sets the number of values that are shown for each page in the listing on pages in namespace "Property"
Default setting 3
Software Semantic MediaWiki
Since version
Until version still available
Configuration Interface settings
Keyword interface settings · property page · property


$smwgMaxPropertyValues is a configuration parameter that sets the number of property values that are shown for each page in the listing on pages in namespace "Property". If a value of "0" is given, the respective listings are hidden completely. If increased to higher values, it might be useful to reduce the value of configuration parameter $smwgPropertyPagingLimitSets the number of results shown in the listings on pages in the namespace "Property" to avoid negative performance impacts when showing property pages. The configuration parameter was introduced in Semantic MediaWiki 1.4.3.

See also