Help:Datatype "String"

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Holds character sequences up to 255 characters
Further information
Provided by: Semantic MediaWiki
Since version: 1.0
Until version: 1.7.1
Datatype ID: _str
In this wiki: String
Table of Contents

The datatype String is used for simple words and similar character sequences. It has the following restrictions:

  • If you want to store special character sequences like "::", you need to store them using the parser function #set, instead of with the more standard "[[Property::value]]" notation.
  • Values cannot be longer than 255 characters (if you use non-Latin characters, this number might be smaller). For longer strings, use datatype "Text"Holds text of arbitrary length instead.

You can use some wiki markup inside a string property such as runs of ' for bold and italic, and the markup will change the appearance of the string. You cannot embed semantic annotations inside a string property.

Restricting values

You can use special property "Allows value"Lists one permissible value for a property to restrict a property to a particular set of values. For example you could limit a property like "Status" to values like "Active", "Pending", etc.

Compatibility note

Since Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0Released on an unknown date unknown versions of MediaWiki this datatype is deprecated for SMWSQLStore3 and was removed entirely with Semantic MediaWiki 1.9.0Released on an unknown date unknown versions of MediaWiki where this datatype remains to be just an alias of datatype "Text"Holds text of arbitrary length.

You are advised to change the datatype declaration of property pages from datatype "String"Holds character sequences up to 255 characters to datatype "Text"Holds text of arbitrary length though the aliasing will not be removed in the foreseeable future.1
#scite could not render a citation text for reference "gh:smw:1893" because type "issue" was not assigned to a template.


  1. ^ gh:smw:1893