Help:User page/sco

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Revision as of 06:19, 22 January 2023 by imported>Shirayuki (restore)
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Ae user page is ae page ameat ae wiki uiser wi aen accoont oan the wiki, n wha's (maist proablie) ae contreebuter.

Gif ye'v registerit, than ye can cræft yer ain uiser page. Then you can create your own user page. Your user page is linked in the top right. Mair importantlie, ithers will see links til yer uiser page fae monie differant steids that asseest wiki collaboration. This incluids the "Recent changes" n "page history" displeys (See Help:Keepin track o chynges ). Foreby, ye can link til yer uiser page wiin the tex o ae wiki page, this is mainlie uissfu oan tauk pages whan ye sign yer name.

If you have not registered, you are identified by your own IP address. But at this stage no user page nor talk page will exist. The talk page of this IP user creates automatically when the first article is added to it. You can then create the user page of the IP address.

Uiser pages ar jist aes flexible aes onie ither wiki page, n it's ae page aneat ye n ye first, sae generallie fawk will lea ye tae freelie write yer uiser page in whitever format that ye like. It's ae featur tae heelp ither fawk ken wha ye ar, n tae bring the online communitie claiser thegather. Think o it aes ae “profile” page. Ye micht like tae mention whaur ye'r fae n whit yer job is. Foreby ye can say whit yer main airts o interest ar in relation til the topeec o the wiki, n describe contreebutions that ye'v makit or airts whaur ye'r interested in contreebutin til.

Uiser scratchpad / deveelopment airt

Ye can uise yer uiser page aes ae scratchpad. Aen airt fer deveelopin ideas wioot clutterin the main namespace (see Help:Namespaces ). Gif subpages ar enabled (see Help:Subpages ), ye micht fynd thaim uissfu fer cræftin sub pages unner yer uiser page. Houever ye shid avoid expendin ower muckle effort wiin yer ain airt o the wiki. Be baud! Eedit the main wiki airticles! Gif yer wiki haes ae shaired Saunpit page, ye can uise it fer quick (non-permanent) wiki expereemantation ava.

Ither fawk's uiser pages

Aes mentioned abuin, ye'll see links til ither fawk's uiser pages, in monie places throochoot the wiki.

Uiser Contreebutions

Whan seein anither person's uiser page, aen addeetional link "user contributions" kiths in the "tools" o the sidebaur. This taks ye til ae leet o aw o this uiser's wiki eedits. Uise this tae get aen idea o hou proleefeec ae contreebuter somebodie is, or tae track don eedits dun bi ae uiser that's causin trooble/daein bad wiki eedits.

Eeditin anither bodie's page

It's generallie conseederit bad eteequette tae rewrite or rewaird anither person's uiser page. You should not change content on someone else’s user page without their permission. Eeditin is permittit, bit ye shid avoid addin information (or especiallie opeenions) that micht be miskent aes comin fea that uiser, in situations whaur this coud potentiallie cause upset. Some types o eedit ar widelie acceptable, n onlikelie tae cause upset:

  • Fixin internal links, whan ae page haes been muived or delytit
  • Fixin broken ootby links
  • Categerisin or fixin categeries o uiser pages.

Uiser tauk pages

Ilka uiser page haes aen assoceeatit tauk page; ae "user talk page". This is ae byordiair kynd o tauk page, fer leain messages directit at ae parteeculair uiser. See Help:Talk pages#User talk pages.

Link til ae uiser page

Tae cræft ae link til the uiser page o the uiser that claps oan that link, uise Special:MaPage. Similarly, to link to the user talk page, use Special:MyTalk.